Bee Hive Tour

Posted on August 16, 2013 by Klee

    Many of you who have been to the shop have noticed the beehives on our garage roof . Often there are families gathered below, speculating on the what type of bees they are, couples guess how much a hive produces, people come in the shop to ask if they sting unsuspecting patrons. If you have ever found yourself, standing below with a string of questions and no one to answer them, here is your opportunity to find out everything you've ever wanted to know about bees and beekeeping. Melissa Cartwright, the beautiful beekeeper and owner of Mellifera Bees (infused honey) is offering a hive tour on the garage rooftop. Come learn about the fascinating lives of bees, sample honey and enjoy an unusual afternoon, right here within the city. Please email her directly at to sign up. See you there!

